Nevazar had wanted a tat for quite some time. Often he would browse for the design that he finally wanted inked. He always wanted something spiritual yet something very different from others. Finally he came upon when exactly he was looking for.
Nevazar messaged me from Hyderabad of his desire to get inked. After getting an appointment, he came over to get his dream tattoo inked. One look at the design and I was thrilled to have got the opportunity to ink him. This was the right tattoo to ink and the right complexion to do it in colour.
As you can see the pic is of Asho Farohar, the divine angel and the pic represents the four elements of life – water, wind, earth and fire.
We started inking the tat at 9pm and completed it around midnight.
What I love about the pic is the clarity, the beautiful use of colour and a distinctly different design.
As Nevazar puts it, “Every time he goes swimming, all the Parsi boys including the Coach look at him with envy, waiting for the day they can get one too.
Wishing Nevazar all the best. May the spirit of Good Luck be with him for ever.